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Moove Lubricants receives prestigious, 25th Consecutive RoSPA Gold Award for health & safety achievements

Moove is delighted to have been awarded a prestigious, 25th consecutive Gold Award by RoSPA, The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.

Ian Lowe, Manufacturing General Manager for Moove receives the award

The Award recognizes Moove’s strong commitment to safety in its business practices. More than 2,000 entrants, including some of the world’s best-known corporations, participate in the awards annually.

With its European Head Office and manufacturing plant based in Gravesend, Kent, Moove employs more than 500 people in Europe. Ian Lowe, Moove’s Manufacturing General Manager commented: “Worldwide there are more than 2,000 Moovers – every single one of them knows that safety is our business’ highest priority. To receive recognition for this highest level of achievement, for a quarter of a century, is something everyone is proud of and demonstrates how entirely embedded safety is within our culture.”

RoSPA is a UK-based charity that works globally, to promote the exchange of life-enhancing skills and knowledge that promote safety and avoid accidents, across all areas of industry and business.

Moove’s SHEEQ Team represent Moovers at the RoSPA Conference and Awards ceremony

Julia Small, RoSPA’s Achievements Director, said: “This is a fantastic and well-deserved accomplishment. All our award entrants demonstrate their unwavering commitment and passion for keeping people safe at work. By receiving this recognition Moove Lubricants joins like-minded businesses and organisations worldwide, who represent the very best in their approach to Health and Safety. I would like to add my personal thanks for all the work that it has taken to secure this well-deserved award – congratulations to all those involved, who champion and drive up Health and Safety standards every day. You are a fantastic example to others in your sector.”

For more information about the RoSPA Awards visit
